Project Check-In #2

Which text are you planning to annotate? Identify six places in the text where you're considering including an annotation? Describe the type/content for each of the potential annotations mentioned above. Briefly describe what kind of sources you are looking at (and/or intend to look at) in order to draft these annotations. How do your proposed... Continue Reading →

Harlem Renaissance – Florida Life

What is this play about? Considering the essay "The 'Pet Negro' System" alongside the play "Color Struck,"  what do we think Hurston might say about the relationship between jealousy and love? Why does John "got to go in" and "walk the cake"? What exactly is there between John and Effie?   Picking Up from Jess's... Continue Reading →

Harlem Renaissance Multimedia Packet

As with the UTC Multimedia packages, there are several items in this package (which have been divided into 3 sections).  While there are a lot of items, I have tried to balance the amount, medium, and length. To assist you as you in organizing your time, where possible I highlight the number of pages and/or... Continue Reading →

Project Check in #1 (Due 3/11 @ 4pm)

Project Check in One.  Please post your responses to the below question/prompts by Monday, March 11 at 4:00 pm. Which text have you found most compelling and/or would like to examine further? Which concepts/theories (i.e. liminality, mastery of form, etc.) do you find most intriguing? What kind of performance and/or art are you most interested... Continue Reading →

Uncle Tom Multimedia Packet 2

  LOOK & LISTEN: "program 243: Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble: Still Shakin' That Thing." The Jim Cullen Riverwalk Jazz Collection. Stanford University.  Accessed Feb 9, 2019. zilbernet. "(I Ain't Gonna Be No Topsy) Topsy -Mae Barnes." June 10, 2011. YouTube. Accessed Feb 9, 2019. " turley2. "Ida Forsyne Tribute in 1955."  (The New York Age. Saturday, Jan. 15, 1955. page... Continue Reading →

UTC: Multimedia Packet Week 1

For Tuesday (February 5th) please read, peruse, and/or watch items A-M listed below. Historical Context: Black Performance and Performing Blackness Emery, Lynne Emery. "Chapter 5: Juba and Jim Crow" Black Dance from 1619 to Today. Princeton: Princeton Book Company, 1988. 179-202. A- Ch 5 Juba and Jim Crow in Black Dance Excerpts from the Original... Continue Reading →

Box Brown Day- 1

    -story -action -enjoyable -references to God -thinking about the master as the savior -tension between his rhetorical appeal to religion vs the representation of the master's Christianity -such a performative elements of the escape --narrative is really based on the escape -the idea of not having sensational violence.   A rhetorical strategy that suggests... Continue Reading →

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