Honor Code & Ethical Standard of Conduct

WE [THE MEMBERS of the SPRING 2019 AADS/ENGL 3015.01 at BOSTON COLLEGE] agree, with concern to every aspect of this course, to act in an ethical, respectful, and congenial manner to ourselves and each other.   

WE understand “ethical, respectful, and congenial” conduct to ourselves and each other to mean that:

In class, out of class, in written, verbal, individual, group, and any other type of work, we agree to conduct ourselves and our work by Boston College’s academic and ethical standards of excellence.**  To this end, we will not engage, neither as primary actors nor as accomplices, in the acts of cheating, plagiarism, nor any other act of intellectual, creative, or personal theft (discussed below).  Moreover, understanding honor and integrity to be proactive commitments, we will not only refrain from such acts of theft, but we will demand of ourselves and each other nothing less than supportive, responsible, and respectful engagement with everyone involved in the class and the work and ideas of everyone involved in the class.

Additionally we agree that if we have concerns with the instructor, another student(s), or some aspect of the class, we will do our best to communicate those concerns to the professor in office hours and/or by email in a clear, thoughtful, and respectful manner. We value each other’s ideas, energy, effort, time, and whole person; as such we will approach each other with the patience, respect, and openness necessary for not only our academic collaboration but also a generative life together.

In our effort to enact this commitment to “ethical, respectful, and congenial” conduct, we agree that 

(What We Will Do . . .)

We will address the ideas and work of everyone (i.e. the professor, the students, and ourselves) with respect, generosity, honesty, and supportive care.

We will give credit when using others’ ideas.  In our speech we will acknowledge when we are building off some else’s idea (whether that someone be the professor, a student, a pop star, or an MBTA worker we met over the weekend).  In any of our class writing (including our online writing), we will properly document our sources and borrowed material using MLA guidelines for integrating and citing quotes and data.

In group work, we will timely, responsibly, and thoroughly complete the tasks we have been assigned by our group.

In group work, we will make every reasonable effort to attend outside group meetings and be present during group planning/writing sessions.

We will do your own work and make sure any work presented as our work is indeed solely the result of our own work (with proper citations for any outside references we may have used).

Further we agree that:

(What We Wont’ Do . . .)

We will not laugh at, look down on, or disparage in any way the idea and/or work produced by anyone involved in the class.

We will not present others’ ideas, research, or work as our own.

We will not reference nor borrow ideas or research done by others without properly citing that information according to MLA guidelines.

We will not write papers or complete any assignments for another student.

Our papers will not include any cut-and-pasted material (in part or entirety) from another website or a document authored by someone else.

We will not reproduce or circulate class members’ work in any venue outside this class without expressed written consent from the author about what can be shared, for what purpose, in what manner, and for what duration of time.

At no time, will we falsely represent our effort or participation in individual or group assignments, nor will we falsely represent the effort or participation of any other class member.


We are hereby resolved that should we find ourselves to be: 

. . . unduly stressed by emotions, job, family, health, and/or other obligations, and we don’t think we can do the assignment on our own, we agree to:

Contact the professor and/or an academic adviser as soon as possible, so that the professor and/or an academic adviser may best advise us about our options and any accommodations that may be available.

. . .confused about the material and/or assignment requirements, we agree to:

First, review all available class notes and/or posted course material and to reread the assignment sheet.  If this first action does not resolve the confusion, we agree to identify the specific aspect of the material and/or assignment about which we are unclear and ask the professor (via email or during office hours) for further clarity about this aspect of the material and/or assignment.

. . . not sure how to properly cite our source(s), we agree to:

First, refer to the links on citation and bibliographies posted on the class site on the “toolbox” page.  If we need further assistance, we agree to make an appointment with a writing tutor and/or attend the professor’s office hours at least 48 hours before the assignment is due.

. . . under the suspicion that someone in our class is cheating, plagiarizing, and/or acting unethically, we agree to:

Alert the professor immediately by email or in office hours.  We are aware that if we prefer to alert the professor anonymously, we may leave a typed note in the professor’s departmental mailbox located in the English Department.

**ADDENDUM:  We recognize that our agreement to the above statements about the expectations for our honorable and ethical conduct in this course do not exempt us from any Boston College policy.  We understand the above statements to both echo and assume the primacy of the university policies for academic integrity at Boston College, to which we as members of the Boston College community are beholden. 

We are aware that we may learn more about how Boston College defines and addresses acts of Cheating and Plagiarism, by reading the university’s policies on Academic Integrity.

Further we acknowledge that we may test how thoroughly we understand Boston College’s policies, by taking the Quiz on Academic Integrity at Boston College.

Document drafted 1/7/2019

Edited 1/122/19

Document signed


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